Solutions and Options

Welcome to Golden Real Estate Solutions. We are a Real Estate Investment Firm providing win-win solutions for people who need to sell their property regardless of conditions or the financial situation.

Since every house and personal situation is different, we carefully evaluate the details and then, if we are able to buy your property, we will provide you with one or more solutions for you to choose from. If we cannot find a workable solution then we will direct you to valuable resources to help.
If you need to settle quickly we can close on the date of your choice. If you would prefer to know that you have your house “sold” than wait to settle for any reason what-so-ever, we’re able:

We can stop foreclosure.
We can help if you are behind on payments.
We can take over your payments helping a stress situation.
We can pay cash for your property.
We buy as-is so you won’t need to do any repairs.
We can help you relocate.
We can help even if there is little to no equity.
​We buy in any price range in any area.

We will handle all of the paperwork skipping over the usual inspections and snags. We have our funding lined up and ready to go before we even discuss your house. We are trusted professional that know how to navigate the transaction process with the least amount of hassle or time wasted.

Please contact Steve Bein today!